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Changa Devi temple is situated on the south side of river Karamana near Vellanadu. It is a place blessed with happy combination of legend, faith and historical elements. Nowadays it has become a place of pilgrimage also. It is believed that goddess Kali’s presence is here for protection and welfare of the village. Goddess Kali’s smiling face and compassionate look supposed to be behind all the prosperity and welfare of the entire region.

Changa was a remote and underdeveloped countryside village long ago. People were mainly farmers rearing cattles. It was believed that Kali Devi was omnipresent in the village looking after them, their grievance and protecting them. In addition to this, Ganapathy, Dharmasastha, Siva, Nagar and lots of other deities had been worshipped by them. Their faith in the Kali Devi increases day by day. They had been talking experiences of relief and fortunes to their life. They passed on the belief on Devi Kali to the next generation. They believed firmly that Kali Devi is with them. The stories and experiences related to Kali Devi spread to the neighbouring villages. The neighbouring people began to come to Changa Devi temple to offer their praise and receive the blessings.

The charisma of Devi Kali became more powerful, more spreading and more firm. At this stage, a total change in the style of the temple architect was done with the advice of the astrologers and thanthri, the devotees decided to expand the temple and its premises making it to the need of the days. They did it by giving proper places for sub deities in the temple. As a result of all these innovations people’s faith grew day by day, the stories of their incredible experiences spread to the neighbouring places. The people from distant places began to visit the temple making it more and more famous. In short the place developed to a place of pilgrimage as we see it today. ‘Vara’ is the offering (Nivedya) here. Brahmin form of worship is followed here.